Sunday, December 18, 2011

Confronting Your Fears and Living Consciously

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." -Eleanor Roosevelt

The above quote was on someone's Facebook page and I loved it so much I wanted to write about it today.

We are living in an age of fear. Fear is paralyzing and people are afraid of loss: losing their jobs, homes, health, loved ones, youth, you name it.

Living consciously means we quiet the voice of fear, look our problems square in the face and devise a plan to conquer them one step at a time.

What are we afraid of? What are we afraid is going to happen when we start eating healthfully?

What's your plan of overcoming it?

We need to start NOW and TODAY to plan the life you desire and to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Take baby steps, but take steps in the direction you want to go. As you start your path and see the results, confidence builds.

The results will spur us on.

What happens if we don't see the results we want? Then take a look at your plan and make needed adjustments. What if we consistently fail to get up an exercise or fall back into eating what we didn't want to eat?

Look at your environment and goals and see if they are supporting you. Are you depriving yourself of nutrients? Check Cronometer and put eat foods that have what you are lacking.

Are you being weighed down by people who are critical or jealous or non-supportive? Find new friends.

To break free from old patterns, you must do things differently from what you have been doing. Change can be scary, but it can be invigorating as well.

We can grow and break free from self-defeating habits. We are not puppets. Those habits may have been created by our cultures or family traditions or whatever, but we decide our lives and are consciously creating our lives every day even if we are deciding to give up control and live in fear.

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